This article is about Panchamahabhuta or the theory of the five great elements. This term is derived from Sanskrit, where “pancha” means “five”, “maha” means “supreme”, and “bhuta” means “power”. We will take a closer look at the Akasha - ether, also referred to as “space”.
Akasha is literally translated from Sanskrit as “luminous”. This concept is found in multiple Vedic sources and is considered to be one of the most essential elements. The existence of the universe is unimaginable without it. Akasha is present in the human body, just like the other four primary elements.
It would make sense to draw some analogy with common scientific terms to make it all a bit easier to grasp. So, we can say that ether can be compared to the physical vacuum. The concept of “Akasha” is much deeper than “ether”, but to simplify things we will refer to them as equivalent.
Renowned yogi and Vedanta teacher Swami Vivekananda often emphasised the importance of this primary element in his lectures. Swami told his students that akasha had existed even when there was nothing else. Everything we see, everything around us, emerged from the element of Akasha. However, ether itself is invisible, because it is quite subtle and lies beyond ordinary human perception. Everything that has ever existed eventually decomposes and turns into Akasha, which after a while will take shape again.
Akasha is symbolically represented as an egg. This comparison is not random: some sources, such as “Srimad Bhagavatam”, state that the whole world came to be out of an egg. In any case, we see that this is the most important of all the first elements, and without it there is no chance for other ones to emerge.
Ayurveda suggests that ether is expressed within the empty spaces of the body, such as pores, vessels and cavities in the bones.
Ether corresponds to a dark blue colour, which is the very colour of Shiva’s throat. The comparison is not random. In the treatise “Siddha Siddhanta” sound is described as the main quality of the element of Akasha. According to ancient texts, the presence of Ether in the human body is affirmed by the subtle sound vibration called “nada”. The importance of mastering sound vibration is emphasised by many yogic treatises.
The element of ether is associated with Vishuddha chakra (the centre of the throat) and the Bija mantra “ham”. The very ability to produce sound is one of the main properties of ether. However, we all know that it is not only the ability to speak but also the desire to hear, listen and understand that holds great importance. Therefore, the element of akasha corresponds to the ear that is able to convert sound waves into neural impulses.
Akasha is considered neutral in its guṇa (qualities), however, it is characterised by such properties as shita (cold), ruksha (dry) and laghu (lightweight).
It is believed that through ether our physical body can connect to cosmic consciousness — the one that governs the etheric body and encompasses our experiences and thoughts. We can let go of a thought, forget it completely, but the vibration we created will remain in our subtle body.
Many experts believe that every disease originates at this level. A person may not yet be sick, but the subtle body has already been disturbed, and therefore the door to disease is open. Akasha is very difficult to influence. In this case no medicine or procedure can help, and we need to turn to spiritual practices. It is believed that healing the subtle body does not come fast. It may take years of diligent and sincere practice.
Akasha is closely related to the emotions we experience. If you fully immerse yourself into a plot of some creepy thriller, your subtle level will register the feeling of horror. In your day to day life you may start to experience baseless anxiety and fears. Conversely, you will get the opposite result by regularly watching movies about the lives of saints or great teachers. Feelings of harmony, calm and security will present themselves even in stressful situations.
The foods you consume greatly influence your subtle body. Drugs and alcohol cause the most damage: they disrupt the proper flow of energy and destroy the person. All bad habits lead to personality degradation, alter consciousness and disrupt clear perception of the world.
Akasha is closely linked to the energy channels (nadis) in our body. If we develop unhealthy eating habits, we clog our channels with toxins (amah). It prevents the proper the flow of energy, meaning that certain organs cannot not receive the necessary energy supply and, eventually, the whole body may fall out of balance.
Certain foods can elevate the levels of the Akasha in the body, although to a lesser degree than subtle practices. Note that they should be consumed with caution: aggravated ether can lead to a state of confusion, heightened anxiety, and fear. Of course, every person experiences moments when the element of akasha is especially necessary, for example, while preparing for a difficult exam or when performing an important job assignment. It is ether that governs the ability to memorize information. Then it is advisable to incorporate spices such as cinnamon and cardamom into your diet. Also, cumin and saffron are excellent choices. Just a dash added into your favourite dish or tea will have a positive effect.
Don’t forget the importance of spiritual practices, try to find opportunities to meditate. Ditch the excuse of time shortage: getting up 10 to 15 minutes earlier in the morning to dedicate time to connect to your “inner Self” is something doable for everyone. Austerities, even as small as “early rising”, should be a part of life. They strengthen our willpower and help us plan our day according to natural cycles.
Try devoting more time to watching lectures or reading articles on wellbeing, and a balanced lifestyle. Help your etheric body by filling your memory with useful and necessary "gigabytes of data," rather than storing a series of meaningless videos. Do not forget about the physical body — practice yoga. “Mens sane in corpore sano” is an ancient Latin phrase usually translated as “a healthy body, a healthy mind”. This ancient piece of wisdom draws our attention to the fact that the body is a vessel for the soul. It is challenging to invest into your spiritual growth when you are unwell and suffer from a disease. The time intended for subtle practices and spiritual development will otherwise be wasted on seeking treatment and trying to get better. May you stay well and healthy, and take care of yourself.