Our health is influenced by a variety of factors, such as daily habits in nutrition, lifestyle, and routines, as well as consistent practices like physical activity, detox days, sauna sessions, or swimming. Equally significant are body cleansing techniques that enable a thorough detox, even from the comfort of home. These can be carried out on a regular schedule or whenever necessary. In addition to Ayurveda, which provides powerful methods for body purification, yoga also offers its own unique practices called "Shatkarmas". This article will delve into these methods and their benefits.
Shatkarmas: Yogic techniques for purifying the body
Cleansing is not just essential for the physical body—yogis believe the subtle energy body also becomes polluted and requires purification. The various layers of the human system are intricately linked; by purifying one, we can effectively impact the others.
As a result, yogic purification practices deliver benefits on both the material and energetic planes. When energy flows freely through the nadis (energy channels) and chakras, it fosters greater mindfulness, sharpens focus, and supports a more consistent state of sattva (balance and tranquillity).
Much like Ayurveda, where Panchakarma encompasses five purification methods, the yogic term "Shatkarma" comes from Sanskrit, meaning 'six actions' (shat – 'six', karma – 'action').
The initial mentions of yogic purification practices appear in ancient texts like the "Gheranda Samhita" and the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika". In addition to the term "Shatkarma", the word "Kriya" is also commonly used.
Key Shatkarmas in hatha yoga:
- Dhauti – purification of the digestive tract;
- Basti – intestinal cleansing;
- Neti – nasal passage purification;
- Trataka – purification of vision;
- Kapalabhati – cleansing the respiratory system and stimulating the brain;
- Nauli – abdominal self-massage.
This refers to a set of practices designed to purify the entire digestive system from start to finish.
Here are a few examples:
- Jihva Dhauti – purification of the tongue;
- Danta Dhauti – purification of the teeth;
- Vamana Dhauti – cleansing of the stomach, also called Kunjala Kriya ('the elephant technique');
- Varisara Dhauti – full cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract, also known as Shankha Prakshalana ('the conch shell technique').
Let’s explore in more detail the techniques for purifying the stomach and intestines.
Vamana Dhauti, or Kunjala Kriya.
- Clearing the respiratory tract of excess mucus;
- Detoxifying and balancing the functions of the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, and liver;
- Removing blockages at the Manipura and Anahata chakras.
Procedure. In the morning on an empty stomach, or 3–4 hours after a meal, drink 0.7–2 liters (depending on your body type) of warm salted water (1–2 tsp per liter of water). Stand over a bathtub or basin, bend forward at a 90-degree angle, form a fist with your left hand, and press gently below the stomach. Use your fingers to lightly stimulate the base of the tongue.
Repeat this process several times. Beginners should use a total of 5 litres of water. After 30 minutes, you may have a light meal (such as rice porridge made with water and ghee).
- Stomach or abdominal hernias;
- Gastritis and peptic ulcers during active phases;
- Hypertension (high blood pressure);
- Heart diseases;
- Liver cirrhosis;
- Gallbladder stones;
- Hyperacidity in the stomach.
Varisara Dhauti, or Shankha Prakshalana.
- Complete detoxification of the digestive system;
- Elimination of disorders caused by Kapha imbalance;
- Boosting overall physical strength;
- Clearing blockages at the Muladhara and Svadhishana chakras.
Procedure. On a morning with an empty stomach during a day off (after a light dinner the previous evening), prepare enough boiled water and allow it to cool. Add salt at a ratio of 2 tsp per litre of water, drink 2 glasses, and practice specific asanas. Keep alternating between drinking water and performing asanas until you feel the need to go to the bathroom.
After every bowel movement, keep drinking water and doing the exercises. Continue until the water passing out of the body is clear, then end the practice. The total amount of water consumed is around 5–6 litres.
After finishing the last glass of water, do a gentle version of Kunjala (trigger a mild vomiting reflex). One hour after the last urge to go to the bathroom, you may eat soft, boiled rice with ghee. Let the body rest, but refrain from sleeping or drinking anything for the next 2–3 hours. Maintain a light diet for several days to help the digestive system recover.
- Menstruation;
- Pregnancy;
- Gastric and duodenal ulcers;
- Kidney issues;
- Bowel obstruction;
- Adhesions in the digestive tract.
There are two main types: Sthala Basti (air-based) and Jala Basti (water-based). We’ll focus on the latter. In essence, it is a yogic cleansing enema performed with simple, pure water.
- Thorough and efficient colon detoxification at home;
- Enhanced intestinal health and regular bowel movements, purification of the Muladhara chakra.
Procedure. Fill the bathtub with water at room temperature, squat in the water, and relax the pelvic floor muscles (a tube can be used by inserting it into the anus after applying oil). Practice the abdominal churning technique (Madhyama Nauli). The vacuum effect will draw the water upward, allowing it to enter the intestines through the rectum.
Next, repeat the cleansing enema process, then expel the water. Continue for several rounds until the water coming out is clear (but limit it to a maximum of three rounds).
Contraindications: performing an enema at home for cleansing purposes is not recommended during haemorrhoid flare-ups, acute inflammatory conditions in the pelvic or abdominal regions, malignant tumours, pregnancy, or menstruation.
The two primary techniques for nasal cleansing at home are Jala Neti and Sutra Neti.
Jala Neti – cleansing the nasal passages using a saline water solution.
- Enhanced eyesight and better brain hemisphere coordination;
- Purification and activation of the mucous membranes;
- Strengthened local immune response;
- Reduction of fatigue and improved sleep;
- Easing symptoms of bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, and tuberculosis;
- Balancing the Ajna chakra.
Procedure. Prepare a kettle with a long, narrow spout or a dedicated neti pot, along with a saline solution made from 1–2 tsp of salt per litre of warm water. Bend over a sink, tilt your head so your nose is parallel to the floor, and breathe through your mouth. Gently pour the solution from the kettle into the upper nostril, letting the water flow out of the opposite nostril. Repeat the process for the other nostril. Use approximately ½ litre of solution for each side. Complete a few rounds of Kapalabhati to clear any leftover water. Stay indoors for 1–2 hours afterward (particularly in cold weather).
Contraindications: nasal bleeding and severe sinus inflammation.
Sutra Neti – cleansing the nasal passages with a cotton thread or catheter.
- Purification and activation of the mucous membranes;
- Sinus drainage;
- Enhanced vision and cognitive function;
- Relief from facial muscle tension;
- Activation of the Ajna chakra.
Procedure. Prepare a thread or catheter, lubricated with saline solution or ghee. Gently insert the cord into one nostril until it reaches the nasopharynx, then use two fingers to grab the tip and pull it out through the mouth (perform this in front of a mirror).
Perform 10–20 smooth, gentle motions, then pull out the cord. Repeat the process for the other nostril, and after completing the procedure, do Jala Neti.
Contraindications: nasal bleeding and polyps in the nose.
- Enhancement of eye health;
- Purification of the tear ducts;
- Preparation for meditation;
- Activation of the Ajna chakra.
Procedure. Sit in a comfortable meditation position in a dark room. Position a candle so the flame is at eye level, about an arm's length away. Focus on the flame, resisting the urge to blink until tears start to form. Then, close your eyes and visualize the candle flame in your mind. Practice this in the evening.
Contraindications: retinal detachment, inflammation of the eyes or brain, dizziness, and fainting.
- Purification of the lungs and nasal sinuses;
- Elimination of excess carbon dioxide;
- Enhancement of brain activity;
- Invigoration of the body;
- Attaining a state of tranquility;
- Activation of the Ajna chakra.
Procedure. Sit in a meditative posture, forming Chin Mudra or Jnana Mudra with your hands. With your eyes closed, focus on your breath, then begin the practice—take a strong, forceful exhale (as if trying to blow away a speck of dust from your nose) followed by a gentle, passive inhale. Perform several rounds of 15–20 breath cycles.
Contraindications: menstruation, pregnancy, head injuries, brain disorders, thromboembolism, epilepsy, hypertension, and malignant tumours in any part of the body.
- Detoxification of the digestive system;
- Enhanced intestinal and endocrine system function;
- Reduction of visceral fat;
- Improved blood flow;
- Strengthened immune response;
- Balancing of the primary elements, the three doshas, and the two lower chakras: Manipura and Svadhishana.
Procedure. Learning Nauli should be approached gradually and in stages.
First step — pulling the abdomen inward during a breath hold (vacuum). Maintain this position (Uddiyana Bandha) for 10 seconds.
Second step — isolating the rectus abdominis muscles. The recommended position is the Fisherman’s Pose. From this stance, perform Uddiyana Bandha and the throat lock (Jalandhara Bandha—tuck the chin toward the jugular notch). Place your hands on your thighs, and by engaging the abdominal muscles, push the rectus abdominis forward to form a ridge.
Third step — while holding your breath, press your hand only on the right thigh to activate the right rectus abdominis muscle (Dakshina Nauli). Then repeat the process on the left side (Vama Nauli).
Fourth step — combine the movements in this sequence: Uddiyana Bandha, Vama Nauli, Madhyama Nauli, Dakshina Nauli (this forms one cycle). You can also reverse the order: Uddiyana Bandha, Dakshina Nauli, Madhyama Nauli, Vama Nauli. Gradually increase the number of cycles. Always practice Nauli on an empty stomach. Ensure the number of cycles is equal in both directions, and always conclude the final cycles moving from right to left.
Contraindications: menstruation, pregnancy, acute inflammatory conditions of the digestive system, intestinal tuberculosis, uterine fibroids, thromboembolism, malignant tumours anywhere in the body, bleeding, and pre-pubescent childhood.
All practices, particularly advanced ones, should be mastered under the guidance of an experienced teacher. Determine the intensity and frequency of practice only after consulting with a qualified professional.
And always keep in mind—the pursuit of purity and health should serve a higher, positive purpose!
- Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
- Methodological Guide. E. Androsova, A. Shtukaturova, O. Evdokimova, P. Konorovsky.